An exclusive Founders Patch, commemorating the launch of the new system. An exclusive $50 RFID golden ticket gift card, to help you load your Amico with tons of great games. A Vintage Woodgrain Amico, hand numbered and signed by Intellivision CEO and Amico visionary, Tommy Tallarico. But please don't delay! We are only making 2600 Founders Editions available. The Founders Edition package is a $400+ value but we are offering it to you for just $299! It's our way of giving something very special and unique to all of our most loyal fans. The email sent out today contains a list of what will be included with the Founder's Edition Amico video game console: Intellivision and Tommy Tallarico understand what it takes to create new hardware, deliver excitement, and keep the momentum going. The email sent out today from Intellivision was full of great info from the pre-order to the Founder's Edition and Night Stalker demo. The Amico game demos are stunning and beyond what I had expected on this upcoming platform. I have a small investment in the new Atari VCS, but I know the Amico is going to be the console to have this Fall. When I see how much Intellivision is investing in this console's release, it creates an electrifying excitement in me. If you've seen some of the cool colors available for the Intellivision Amico, check out the woodgrain Founder's Edition, available for pre-order on January 26! With a fully-refundable deposit of $100, you can reserve one on Monday! The first videogame console I ever played as a kid was my fathers Intellivision and I am very excited about this so I will be keeping my eyes on this system throughout the year.The Founder's Edition Amico is limited to 2,600 units with a great selection of special bonus items. Early delivery of the Intellivision Amico a few days before the official launch. Physical CD's and digital downloads of the Earthworm Jim Anthology album and Tommy Tallarico Greatest Hits Volume 2. Exclusive lenticular poster signed by the Amico team. $50 RFID golden ticket card allowing you to download games to the console. Vintage Woodgrain Amico console hand numbered and signed by CEO Tommy Tallarico. The Founders Edition will include the following content The pre-order requires a $100 down payment but it can be refunded at any time up to the release where they will charge the extra $199 Only 2600 of these editions will be available.
Intellivision Amico launches in the Fall on October 10th but pre-orders are now live on their website for a special "Founders Edition" of the Amico.